Reminders & Weather Report, 12/9/09

First, a reminder that tonight is the fund raiser for the Gries family at TreeBones Resort. The silent auction and entertainment begin at 6:30 pm, with dinner at 7:00. Dinner alone is $50. An overnight stay for two, with dinner and breakfast is $200. Full information is available at my original post.

Also, don’t forget the reception/dinner at Big Sur State Park Lodge for author Dr. Mark Stromberg tomorrow, Thursday. The details are in my original post.

Lastly, don’t forget that the closure of Highway One, one mile north of Ragged Point continues from 8 pm until 5 pm. This is a HARD closure, and no one will be allowed through. This closure continues through Friday.

And as to weather, well, there was ice on the INSIDE of my bedroom window yesterday morning, the water in the dog dish stayed frozen all day, the water in the hose was completely frozen and could not be turned on. Let’s see what today brings. My total rainfall for this past storm was .6 inches, bringing the season total to 16.6 inches. This equates to 1/2 inch in September, 15.5 inches on October 13th, and this past 6/10 of an inch. The storm coming on Thursday does not appear to be significant, and only a few tenths of an inch are expected. The bigger storm seems poised to hit us on Saturday through Sunday, so stay tuned.

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