4 thoughts on “Aromas

  1. Well, the first one focuses on an historic piece, there is a story that begs to be told.
    The second one is an interesting landscape, lessening the historic question, yet crying out: “This is California.”
    The third one is fisherman’s art, a squid enjoying a snack?

  2. I’ve been fascinated with the Aromas landmark (the one along 101 just north of Prunedale?) since childhood camping trips to Big Sur in the 50’s. I would love to learn the how and why of it…I remember seeing trucks parked there as we drove by in the early morning dark. W A few miles south, we always rolled down the windows so we could breathe the damp eucalyptus scent as we cruised past the hobo shanties deep in the roadside grove, and remarked on the rock outcrops, peering to see if there were any bandits on the lookout for travelers such as we. What an exciting day it was every year.

  3. The window art is a trademark south west Native American depiction of Kokopeli (spelling?) who was a handsome womanizer, enchanting the ladies with his flute playing. He was a traveller from the south (Mexico) who made his way north to live in the Arizona/New Mexico area. Not sure why it’s displayed at Moss Landing. Maybe it’s to indicate that the business hosts live music.

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