Illegal Campfires

3:20 pm – need to add another one to the list!

07/05/2014 15:11 LPF-1908
New Wildfire Ponderosa CG . E17LPF . . . 35.999 x 121.386

Look at all the call-outs for illegal campfires yesterday and today in the LPNF alone!

07/04/2014 12:36 LPF-1878
New Wildfire REYES CR CG MP Illegal campfire . . . . 34.681 x 119.306

07/04/2014 14:44 LPF-1883
New Wildfire NACIMIENTO RIV CG M Illegal campfire . . . . 36.004 x 121.394

07/04/2014 20:26 LPF-1889
New Wildfire ARROYO SECO CG M . . . . . 36.236 x 121.484

07/05/2014 11:44 LPF-1897
New Wildfire MIDDLE LION CMP O Illegal camp fire 7EDW5 E51LPF . . . 34.550 x 119.162

07/05/2014 12:58 LPF-1902
New Wildfire UPPER OSO CG SB Illegal campfire . . . . 34.556 x 119.773

I just don’t get it. There are really that many unconscious, unaware people in the LPNF? When stupidity puts others lives at risk, imposition of the fine is in order. I hope they all had to pay the $5000. Fine – that would pay for some patrolling costs!

Six years ago today, this blog came into existence. What did I do with my time before bigsurkate? Oh, yeah, I worked. 😉

5 thoughts on “Illegal Campfires

  1. Like all criminal thought following a quick look around, ”I’m not gonna get caught, not me.” Glad for the alert catchers.
    Most of all, congrats on your 6th Anniversay!! Wahoo the Kate!!

  2. At the beginning of June, the USFS sign at the bottom of Naciemiento Rd and Hwy 1…said no campfires. The USFS sign at Naciemeinto Rd and South Coast Ridge road said that campers need to have a shovel and water for their camp fires. … Go Figure.

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