Rain Report – 9/18/14

10:00 pm – final total, .38″ an acceptable total. It’s a start.

6:30 am – wow, the rain is increasing. It is now up to .19″ total. One more report at 7:00, then I am off to town, away from my rain gauge. LOL, I laugh at the joy every 1/100th of an inch brings me this morning, and know that this winter, I will only be reporting gains of an inch at a time. All is perspective.

6:00 am – rain rate is up a bit to .09″ an hour, and the total for the day/month/year is now .15″ double what was predicted. I hope the whole Big Sur Coast is enjoying this phenomena.

5:00 am – I am up to almost a tenth of an inch, now. As a side note: all my windows facing north or west are covered with rain but those facing east or south are completely dry. Guess we can tell the direction of this storm, as predicted …

Woke at 4:00 am – to the first, soft, gentle, glorious rain of the season. My high zoot rain gauge is measuring again, finally. It says we are getting .05″ per hour, and that we have received .05″ thus far. It is enough to settle some of the dust that has been plaguing me for months … It is enough that the skins of earth, plants, and critters alike are soaking up the precious moisture in glee … It is enough to get and keep me excited so that I will probably not get back to sleep even though I must be up in two hours to make an early appointment in town. It’s fine with me. I’ll take lack of sleep for a bit of the wet stuff at this point! (Sorry, in my sleepy haze, I originally thought it was Friday. I’ve changed the date in the title to reflect that it is indeed Thursday.)

2 thoughts on “Rain Report – 9/18/14

  1. Thanks Kate, that is wonderful news and it is an awesome feeling to wake up and see some natural moisture on the ground. Yesterday I watered my flower bed for the week, so I new that would bring the rain. LOL my allergies have been pretty bad lately, and this will help alot. Thanks Mother Nature!

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