Storm Report, 2/7/15

image3:30 pm – only up another .12″ but look at what’s on tap for tomorrow?

10:45 am – rain has picked up again, with a rate of 1.31″/hour, for a total thus far today of 1.23″ and 2.75″for the storm. It is supposed to be scattered today, with the heavy rain expected tomorrow. That will be interesting, that’s for sure.

6:00 am – woke to 2.42″ for the storm, and it is still raining. Got just under an inch since midnight, and given the 1″ we got before I turned in for the night, it looks like the .42″ came between 10 and 12 while I lay quietly oblivious and sound asleep. Okay, let me catch up with traffic, have my coffee, and then I’ll be back. Please feel free to share your totals.Cal, how did you far out there by Lake Nacimiento?

8 thoughts on “Storm Report, 2/7/15

  1. 2.7″ in one of my gauges this morning, and it’s still raining here at 12 miles NE of Cambria.

  2. I woke up to quiet in town, no howling gusting wind, no rain. Now the forecast says a few showers today is all, but the second storm with heavy rain is expected tomorrow. Sounds like you had much more rain and wind up on your ridge Kate. Maybe you’ll get a bit of respite today. Did your property sustain any damage?

  3. No serious damage, and yes, I often get more of all of it up here. 😉

    Looking forward to another blast tomorrow, but enjoying the peace today.


  4. Haven’t heard of any major problems. It would be hard to imagine that there aren’t SOME problems, but I would have heard if it closed.


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