Tourist run over by her own rental car In Big Sur

Per a news report from KION, A woman, and her family, visiting from China, stopped along the highway at JP Burns SP on Sunday afternoon. The husband and daughter ran across the highway to the SP. When the car began to roll, the woman ran back to it to try and stop it, but fell and was run over by the rental vehicle. She was declared dead at the scene. 

4 thoughts on “Tourist run over by her own rental car In Big Sur

  1. That really is too awful for words, I’m so sorry for all of them, most expecially the woman who lost her life. The rest of their time alive will be hard enough on the living. Tragic. I half wonder if Highway 1 doesn’t need signs like: ALERT!! You are in an unearthly experience here. It is rarified air. Possibly you may feel light-headed or disoriented. Please pay careful attention on roadways and near edges, making sure you are safe before feasting.

  2. This is a comment from Rachael Fann that was posted as a comment to an older report. ” I came upon the accident at JP Burns immediately after it happened…the pedestrans were trying to stop traffic…I was able to slip by…the deceased was lying in the NB lane , partially covered by someones jacket…a very sad scene… Family members sobbing….I was able to call 911 from my house, just a mile l/2 N….I understood she was run over by her own car while attempting to reenter it…as it was moving? please clarify!….To put it mildly THIS IS A EXTREMELY DANGEROUS PLACE TO DRIVE THRU…I HAVE TRIED TO NAVIGATE THE PEDESTRIANS MANY TIMES, JUMPING OUT, CROSSING THE STREET, PARKING ILLEGALLY, PARKING IN THE HIGHWAY!….OPENING THEIR DOORS INTO TRAFFIC! …PLEASE…CHP….BLOCK PARKING ALONG THIS STRETCH….IT WAS JUST A MATTER OF TIME!”

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