Stoney Valley Wildfire (Peanut Wildfire)

Yesterday, I was busy, but I kept noticing what I thought might be smoke, and then last night, I thought I smelled it. I convinced myself it was really just clouds and fog, and the smell was my imagination. Then, this morning, at 2:30 am, I found myself awake, and listening to several very low flying planes, and so began to check my usual internet sites. Bingo. From yesterday: (don’t know that planes are connected, but at least they got me looking.)

“06/11/2015 12:16 FHL-1570

PF (1502)

P5ENOG 0507 Mutual Aid

PFJR83 1502 Additional Forest Resources. PEANUT Wildfire Naciemento Ferguson Road at Stony Valley . BC11LPF CRW4LPF CRW528LPF E15LPF 4X4 E17LPF E18LPF E319LPF E335LPF PAT17LPF Q (IC) SEXTON, BRIAN Effective 06/11/2015 Grass 700 (acres)”

And then a bit later, on wildlandfire: “Sounds like they’re going to do a large burn show to tie it in. 3000 acres is AFTER they burn.”

10 thoughts on “Stoney Valley Wildfire (Peanut Wildfire)

  1. Yes, Xasauan reported this yesterday afternoon. He said it was beingcalled the Peanut fire and posted a map showing the location.Hopefully this one is easily contained! From: BigSurKate To: Sent: Friday, June 12, 2015 3:11 AM Subject: [New post] Stoney Valley Wildfire #yiv4007046282 a:hover {color:red;}#yiv4007046282 a {text-decoration:none;color:#0088cc;}#yiv4007046282 a.yiv4007046282primaryactionlink:link, #yiv4007046282 a.yiv4007046282primaryactionlink:visited {background-color:#2585B2;color:#fff;}#yiv4007046282 a.yiv4007046282primaryactionlink:hover, #yiv4007046282 a.yiv4007046282primaryactionlink:active {background-color:#11729E;color:#fff;}#yiv4007046282 | bigsurkate posted: “Yesterday, I was busy, but I kept noticing what I thought might be smoke, and then last night, I thought I smelled it. I convinced myself it was really just clouds and fog, and the smell was my imagination. Then, this morning, at 2:30 am, I found myself a” | |

  2. Thank you. I love the alerts from the very alert Kate. The forests of Big Sur dare not move without consultation. It’s like a farmer’s life, isn’t it, so connected to the land and skies and winds, or as if I read the updates from sturdy ship at sea under full sail and headed for a fabulous harbor.

  3. You are so funny! I love your description, but this sailor was asleep at the helm yesterday. My senses warned me, but I didn’t pay attention to them for 12 hours! I promise not to let it happen again this fire season!😎


  4. Burning off Stony Valley is getting to be a regular June ritual. They are now saying that, just like last year, the fire was ignited by troop activity. Looks like this year’s fire stayed a lot smaller, though.

  5. Yes, you are right, XT, but as you said on your blog, it usually (never?) doesn’t escape into the wilderness.


  6. They’re saying 2,500 acres and 80% containment on the Wildland Fire Forum. Full containment expected by tonight.

  7. Yes, damn, pay attention! It would be ruinous to more lives than you can count if you go under!! Behave! and have a lovely day and night doing it., in moderation. That is, behave moderately not overboard.

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