Chimney Fire, 8/25/16

5:30 pm – here is one of the operations maps for the Chimney Fire. I pulled it up because I got reports of a 20 acre “spot” fire in Division “J” as well as a report of the fire jumping the containment line in the north west corner. Looks like this may be the same incident, which may affect the southern coastal section of Monterey County.


11 am – Photo taken on FHL Training Area 28 looking South to the Chimney Fire, sent by Ray Martorano. He thinks it may be looking toward Waterdog Creek. “…I wish it was a wider pic so I could see what area I recognize….it sort of looks like looking towards waterdog from the bull canyon area….but never know been a while since been back in there.”


7 am – It is very smokey and I cannot see Cone Peak or Willow Creek. This fire is currently heading for the Silver Peak Wilderness Area in the South Coast of Big Sur, as you can see from the map below indicating the most current MODIS hits in the last 24 hours. One or two could be an anomaly, but this many? Not really …  And the map shows the Chimney Fire is really the more immediate threat to the South Coast. For example, it is less than 14 miles from my place. I’ll add more maps after morning coffee. Priorities, you know.


Here is the IR Topo Map:


Here is the link to IR Topo Map in PDF

9 thoughts on “Chimney Fire, 8/25/16

  1. Proper pioneer spirit, coffee first then tackle the mess. I hope you stay safe through all this, Kate. It’s worrying to read about the proximity of these damn things. I heard there were fires a mile from Hearst Castle on the news, then nothing more. Or if it was a new separate fire or the same. How are the Big Sur businesses doing? Can they stay open? The biggest problems previously were with staff living outside the disaster lines.
    You take care. thanks for all your remarkable work.

  2. Yes, the Chimney Fire got about a mile from Hearst Castle yesterday. They did a back fire I believe which accounts for some of the growth SE of the Castle. I pulled the media card and went back to the Visitor’s Center and watched the helicopter fly in front of the Castle, low, go back behind a ridge, where he or she presumably dropped his bucketful.


  3. Thanks, I won’t be evacuating. I’ll be fine. I have clearance, roads on both sides of me, metal roof and Hardie plank siding. I am very easy to defend, and will have lots of help, I predict.


  4. Thanks for all the up-to-date info. I am a co-owner of the 10 acres to the west of you (about 900 ft lower, spur off of Home Ridge) and your blog has been very reassuring – simply knowing what is happening is much better than no knowledge. Thanks again and good luck.

  5. The Chimney Fire jumped the NW containment line today, as per USFS Liason by phone.

  6. Thank you for this vital information… as always. I would love to connect with you about a feature story I am doing about enterprising locals in Big Sur. Thank you for reaching out/ emailing back, and I can update you further, as I move forward … best wishes, GREG ARCHER

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