16 thoughts on “Soberanes Fire, Day 41, 8/31/16

  1. Ran into Tassajara’s own fire crew member yesterday, as they were picking up more pumps and other supplies to fight the fire. I was told that there were two crews cutting fiireline around Tassajara, not sure if he said 1/2 mile all together or 1/2 mile away, encircling Tassajara. Anything helps and it is an investment for the future. Fire was only about 4 miles off. Tassajara Center still does not know if they will have fire crew support if or when the fire gets there.

  2. Fire Meeting announced for Saturday, Sept 3, 6 PM at Cachagua Store. Cachagua Fire Chief Curry will present and CalFire and USFS will attend.

  3. Have a camping trip planned Sept 9-12 with my 2.5 yr old son…. have reservations at Riverside Campgrounds and Cabins in Big Sur. Trying to decide if we are going to go or not. Concerned about saftey (getting trapped if the fire shifts), HWY 1 road closure, if the air will be all smokey, and if the hiking/state parks I wanted to do will be open or not. Any advice?

  4. Riverside Campgrounds and Cabins is open. Fire is still going on, so air quality depends on winds. Pfeiffer Big Sur State Park is closed, as is the east side of JP Burns SP. They are doing their best to keep Highway One open, and right now that is not an issue. In 9 days? I can’t predict. Riverside should be safe, as the fire is well past them, but for the Highway? Probably fine, but no guarantees.

  5. I would like to personally thank IC Tom Kurth for putting in crews to help clear lines at Tassajara. It was unprecedented that Tassajara received assistance so late in any past fires. The relatively new IMT from Alaska is much more aware of Tassajara and Tassajara Rd properties. Tom was honest in saying he would not make any commitments to leaving crews at Tassajara if/when the fire reaches there. He felt there are too many factors for him to give a yes or no answer. He was clear that he is not saying they won’t and he is not say they will and that there are too many factors for him to make that call now. I prefer this kind of answer over, yes we will, then the next day no we won’t, then back and forth with yes and no which is what was happening.

    Check the link below where Regine is on TV at 0:56 and Dennis Miller from Cal Fire say at 1:16 “We are not going away. We are not abandoning the forest or the public here.” However, at the same time Cal Fire is being reduced and is now under the command of the new IC and IMT (at least as it was explained to me). Here is the link from the last meeting at Cachagua: http://m.kionrightnow.com/tassajara-mountain-zen-center-says-they-are-not-getting-enough-help-from-firefighters/41379180

    May all of those still in the line of the fire have good outcomes! And, ask lots of good questions on Saturday, Sept 3, 6 PM at Cachagua Store

  6. Nice post, Steve. Glad to hear the IC Tom Kurth is so forthright. It is a hard call to make at any time, but to make it in advance is problematic, at best. Hoping for a great outcome for all, and a well-attended meeting. We had 60 at our last one over here. No bad, when many are no longer threatened. Keep up the good work, everyone!


  7. OMG, not sure if I want to see myself on TV. My self-esteem may be at risk, What do you think Kate?

  8. OK, I did it! I watched the news clip. I am still OK. Glad I spoke up … but then, it is always hard for me not to.

  9. Yes, I think the Alaska team will prove to be a god match for the Cachagua Jamesburg community. I suspect they are inherently rural people and relate to us Soberanes Eastenders.

  10. They are backburning rather late this afternoon (3 pm?) above Partington since the weather conditions seemed just right (this according to a crew leader from the Alaskan team who is overseeing the laying out of sprinklers around homes on Partington Ridge).

  11. small line of hot spots flaring up in Big Sur valley presently, below the north flank of the toe of Hopkins Ridge. Looks like the spotty flames are moving slowly downhill (against the gusty wind), along the inside (northside) of the fire break on that ridgelette.

  12. Jeff, I got word (shortly after I went to bed, so just reading it) that the backfire jumped the containment line, and they are fighting it off of Partington. Will be hitting it hard with air resources first thing in the am, hopefully. Don’t want to worry anyone unnecessarily, but …

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