Rain Report, 10/28/16

9:30 am – been quiet since 9 am, when I glimpsed a lot of blue sky before the clouds closed in on me. Big Sur Station reports 1.4″ of rain, a report of 1.1″ in Seaside Highlands, and another local reports the highway is clear from River Inn to Lucia. So far, so good, but several more storms to go, yet.

7:00 am – I woke at 12:30 am to the sound I had been waiting all day for – the patter of dogs and cats across my roof – or so my rain gauge told me. The rain rate was 1.23″/hour or well past the 1/2″ rate that triggers debris flow – raining cats and dogs is a favorite saying of my rain gauge. I was still up an hour later and noted that we had had that 1/2″. My worry began for my neighbors to the north and to the east, particularly Palo Colorado Canyon.

Eventually, I did get back to sleep and re-woke at 6:30 am. Now, the rain is soft and gentle, and I note no other periods of heavy rainfall while I slept. It is now 1.1″ since midnight. I check the CHP site and see roadway flooding notes all over Monterey County, particularly along highway 101, but none here? Really? Meredith Gafill commented on my post on FB of a problem by Lucia, but it is gone when I check. I will continue to keep an eye out and hope those of you who can will share reports with the rest of us. We have rain predicted on and off through Tuesday, so this could become a very long weekend, particularly near the burn scar of the Soberanes. Be safe, everyone.

Here are the 24 hour totals. Some automatic gauges did not work, thus an “M” for missing.


11 thoughts on “Rain Report, 10/28/16

  1. Well, now. Just emptied my rain gauge at 8:30 AM and am very happy to see that we had 0.90 inches overnight here in Princes Camp. There’s patches of blue sky as I look toward the Ventana and Big Sur and it’s 55 degrees as I write this. Thank you, God, as we are so grateful for the rain.

  2. Kate,

    Back to status quo, sunshine & broken clouds, fresh air has taken over- what a delight. Overnight rain did surprise me. I’ll take a sneak peek at the beloved Carmel River before calling it a success. Get ready Sunday.

  3. Checked the rain gauge this AM to see if there was any additional measurable rain after I dumped it early yesterday morning and found 0.05 in. So that would bring my total to 0.95 for yesterday. I’ll take it and am grateful. Waiting to see what happens in the next 24 hrs. Good luck everyone and be careful out there.

  4. though your kindness is heard clear, and your intention fine.. everyone knows that Palo got it burned to top soil.. and shifting is naturally expected under heavy rain.. BUT.. how bout we practice positive visions not neg. ones and see in our minds the enduring lengthily roots of nature holding wisely in place,and the lands remaining intact. Nature is mighty knowledgeable and needs us to believe in her power’s to rebuilt her forrest/brush and vital roots

  5. Absolutely agree, Canyon. This last rain, and the next gentle rains will help set those roots well, and Mother Nature will rejuvenate as she chooses, regardless. Positive thoughts and vibes are always preferable.


  6. Kate,

    I read elsewhere that native Indians have also have made its contributions too with its motherland spiritual ceremonies for the local soil and sacred earth.

  7. I think there are a lot of healing ceremonies going on throughout Big Sur, Cachagua, and the Ventana Wilderness. Fall and All Hallow’s Eve bring out many spirits as the veil is thin right now. We all dance in the rain to our own songs and give our particular gifts.


  8. Kate,

    Rain started moderate to heavy right away @ 10:50; a remarkable first hour show.

  9. It’s a beautiful sunny Halloween day here in Princes Camp. We had a gentle rain midday yesterday with 0.25″ in the gauge when I emptied it this morning. Just the way we need it. Until the next storm………..

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