11 thoughts on “Beauty in the midst of madness

  1. The mystic green lane (top) & the redwood moss cabin (bottom) are winners. T-Y.

  2. Little Philly, it wasn’t taken in the Los Burros District, but on the North Coast, so probably not. But it is abandoned.


  3. Hi Kate, yes, the slide shows loaded after 20 seconds, or so.
    The open orchid-like white flower with the center color is a beauty; &, I always enjoy the west photo from Mount Olympus 🙂
    The mystic green lane you have shown before, I believe, I could stare at that & feel transported to that place. What the photo doesn’t communicate is the deep, rich Earthy fragrance of actually standing there.
    The cabin reminds me of one that used to stand on the north side of Partington Cyn creek; I was visiting my friends that lived there on December 8th, 1980. We had just gotten back from hiking to the Roosevelt Tin House, when we heard the crushing news about John Lennon.
    Anyway, cabin was long ago dismantled & moved, but it was lovely.
    Glad that you shared the pics. W.

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