Upcoming rain expectations

This is from NOAA, NWS. Now, I must admit, I have a bit of trouble with the math on this one. Rain is predicted to start Wednesday, and the (6 day) totals are to Sunday at 4 am. No matter how I count it, I don’t get six days out it – 4 … or 5, if one counts Sunday to 4 am as a full day. Anyway, the visual is a nice encapulation of what we can expect.


4 thoughts on “Upcoming rain expectations

  1. NWS has rain starting Thursday afternoon and likely up to 3 inchrs by Sat. totals.

  2. I’all say it, ” It’s that new math. No one understands it.” Little grin for the day.

  3. As I have always said…being a weatherman is the best job on the planet. If you are right in prediction, great. If your wrong….whoops, missed that one. Still get paid the same.

  4. 6 day forecast starting with Tuesday, 12/6 (Day 1) and ending Sunday, 12/11 (Day 6).

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