13 thoughts on “New Slide??

  1. Kate, what a hornet’s nest of piss & vinegar lately. ………………………..

    …..Has there been a map created of current soil/slide movement on a 3D map showing the vulnerable areas CalTrans, CHP, OES, USGS, CalFire, USFS, & other agencies are concerned about similar to the scale of the warnings, watches, and other debris Soberanes Fire gave us all this past summer?


    Plus, when do you expect another community sit down with FEMA staff will be scheduled to address issues with residents?

  2. A community sit down with FEMA? Where? There are now about 6 separate pocket communities which are either partially or entirely cutoff from the rest of the pocket areas along the Big Sur Coast and in the Big Sur mountains. Some of those trapped between slides have lost, or never had, phone and/or internet service, but even so, a tele/video conference would be the only way to make a meeting like that happen.

  3. Kate: You have to tell the new slide that is has to get in line in order to receive proper recognition… Aren’t there forms to fill out as well?

  4. Kate, the wind has shown herself to be a force this morning. Mother Nature has no rules just right.

  5. Yes, a new little slide just north of Limekiln bridge. CalTrans loader is there.

  6. Thank you, Suzi, I gather all schools are closed today, ( stranded or not ) correct?

  7. Andrew-
    I have no idea about other schools in the San Luis/Monterey/Santa Cruz area, but Pacific Valley School cancelled school for Thursday, yesterday 2/16, to allow staff to get home safely on Wednesday, before the 5pm Nacimiento Rd closure that evening. PV runs a 4 day school week, Mon -Thurs. I am normally working in the school office Mon-Fri, the only person on Fridays, but chose to head home to Cambria yesterday during daylight hours so I wouldn’t risk being trapped at school all weekend. Mud Creek was passable at that time. I doubt if it is now…A large euc fell near the school driveway entrance across highway 1 around 11am today….I hear that Cal Trans has removed it, but more trees may fall at any time….

  8. Suzi, I love the 4 day workweek, but, a 4 day school week seems revolutionary, how many schools have this schedule?

  9. Andrew-
    The 4 day school week is/or has been used at a couple other places in CA, at rural, small, isolated schools such as ours. I’m not aware what goes on in other states.

  10. 4 day schools seem quite common in rural Oregon. It was a surprise to me, too. I imagine these schools are running with low funding but probably can increase the hours each of the four days to meet state requirements.

  11. Yes, Lindsay, you are correct about extending the length of the school day. Pacific Valley School is subject to annual audit review, including instructional minutes. We always make sure to at least meet the minimum required annual minutes for each grade level.

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