25 thoughts on “Plaskett Ridge Road

  1. With a chain saw with a long bar, & a gallon of fuel mix, it could be functionally decomposed, and vehicles might squeeze by.
    Worth a try, anyway. Cats & backhoes are more rare.

  2. I know that road so well, I know where those are! A season for saws and big equipment. Keep us posted.

  3. No breaks for the Big Sur hearty folks. Hang in there. I was thinking we should start delivering groceries down as far as we can go, that is if a trail is made to walk over the PCB.

  4. Kate & others, What the hell has happened to this storm- has it stalled? This is the best weather I have seen all weekend.

  5. Since I mentioned cloud seeding, there is tons to read online about it. Maybe that’s even how we got the overdose of rain, especially in view of the fact that not much was forecast long term a few weeks ago. Maybe … ???

  6. I’ve updated Sunday’s animation post with a new animation showing the next 24 hours. You can find it here

  7. Looking at the NWS satellite – Western U.S., 16 km, animation, one can see the battle of the giants. The first is the narrow, high-speed stream coming straight from Hawaii, aimed right at Cali. The second is a colder stream descending from the Aleutians and wrapping around the driving cyclone located off Vancouver, heading west toward Oregon and Idaho, parallel to the more tropical river heading at us. Then, there is a third, very heavily moisture-laden river heading north from Tahiti, through Mexico right into Texas, Oklahoma, and Kansas, which is responsible for the horrendous tornado conditions across the Midwest and Southeast. Between that southern stream and the river aimed at us is a large high pressure anticyclone over the Pacific that will hopefully push everything further east. It will, at least shove our river a bit northward on Tuesday to focus the main narrow stream of rain and wind up through Santa Cruz mtns and eastward along I-80 toward Lake Tahoe. Hopefully we will be spared and get a break.
    Thank you to all who are providing information to keep us aware.Thanks in particular to you, Kate, for your hard work in keeping up with it all for our safety.

  8. dave, thanks for your interpretation. like andrew said above, where is the storm? did it stall? so far so good in my neck of the woods. but we still have time to go. take care all.

  9. Between 10 pm and 4 am is when much of it will arrive, but like Dave Allen said, it is taking aim between Santa Cruz and the I80 corridor.


  10. Praying for everyone in the Big Sur area (even though I’m not a religious person). Praying for us too here in Pacifica that houses don’t go into the creeks/ocean. Backyard already slipping.

  11. Kate-
    Glad to see that you are back online. I was beginning to wonder if I should try calling your cell to see if you were still alive. Where abouts on Plaskett did that tree fall? Above most of the other residents down hill from you?

  12. Suzi, that is by Sunshine Alley. You can see the generator shed in the background, so above Gail’s driveway. County is supposed to come out today – will see.


  13. Also, Suzi, my internet satellite has been off since the big winds, and I am consigned to my very limited cell service, which is very spotty. I can do email … mostly … so I send things to lucasryancv to post for me, when I can. Obviously can’t get anyone up here until after the storms are done. Sigh…

  14. Just checked the satellite again, and it does look like what I said in my previous post (line 9), is happening:
    “Between that southern stream and the river aimed at us is a large high pressure anticyclone over the Pacific that will hopefully push everything further east. It will, at least shove our river a bit northward on Tuesday to focus the main narrow stream of rain and wind up through Santa Cruz mtns and eastward along I-80 toward Lake Tahoe.”

  15. Kate and others within the closure, I have a JD 450 with logging winch all lines, rigging and saws etc necessary for tasks just like that tree. that is a can do. laughing, of course the issue is getting my beastie TO the site, but there are also neighbors with suitable trailers if and when… I’m at pmm 33.3 so there are a few hurdles to get over first. but hey, if this does go long term file this under ‘available resources’. it’s not a D6 but it could do that and more. steady on

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