11 thoughts on “Beauty on Sunday in Big Sur

  1. Kate — Thank you for sharing these beautiful, inspiring photographs with us. The one with the whale and her babe was a particularly special treat!!!

  2. ferocious beauty, as big sur remains wild and untamed….and is more precious because of it…..

  3. Returning from my town run, down Nacimiento yesterday evening, the stunning beauty spanned the entire skyscape. I paused to watch the Sun descend on the western horizon, transforming thin cirrus clouds into blazing arcs and radiating shafts of light across the mountain silhouettes. Simultaneously, a brilliant full moon gradually rose up the flank of Chalk Peak, casting an aura across the eastern horizon.

  4. I studied botany on the east coast, so some of these plants are new to me. Can someone post a plant identification list? Thanks!

  5. John, the common names are: Mariposa Lily (Calchortus venustus), Mission or Chocolate Bells (Frittilaria biflora), Penstemon, Larkspur (Delphinium), Mariposa Lily, again, Douglas Iris, Fairy lanterns (Calchortus albus), Sticky Monkey Flower.


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