Hard Closure of By-pass Trail, 4/9/17


The Pfeiffer Bypass Trail will have a hard closure on 4/9/17. This will be necessary due to a PG&E power pole rerouting. This rerouting will be done via helicopter and the area is adjacent to the trail. Hours of closure will be approximately 0800-1700 hrs. The closure will be staffed by State Parks at the north and south trail heads to allow for use when safe throughout the operational period. This operation may be postponed due to inclement weather.

4 thoughts on “Hard Closure of By-pass Trail, 4/9/17

  1. I just spoke with Lizz Williams from PG&E. She checked with the foreman for the job and confirmed the following:
    – due to the recent rains, the power outage and trail closure that were originally scheduled for Sunday 4/9 have both been pushed back to Tuesday 4/11.
    – the trail will not be closed on Sunday 4/9
    – the trail will be closed on Tuesday 4/11, but may be intermittently open at various times/durations when deemed safe (e.g. if the helicopter is not actively delivering poles or stringing line)

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