Commercial Filming this weekend, 2/15/18

February 15, 2018

Dear Big Sur Neighbors,

Chirp Film is producing a commercial project on Highway 1, in the Big Sur Area (between Rocky Point & Andrew Molera) .
Our team is working closely with several Monterey County Offices, State Agencies and Law Enforcement to insure that
we have our proper permits and that there is minimal impact on your neighborhood. To further reduce our presence in
your area, we will have only our most essential trucks and equipment located at our Basecamp at Bixby..
Our prep and event days will take place between February 16, 2018 and February 18, 2018

Proposed Prep dates (minimal crew):
• Friday, February 16th , 2018

Proposed Project dates:
• Saturday, February 17th ,2018 6A – 7P

Weather Dates (minimal crew):
• Sunday, February 18th ,2018 6A – 7P

CHP officers will be on site for ITC (intermittent traffic control) to assure public safety and make sure that everyone has
timely access to their destination. We are working with local vendors that know the area and the property; we will have
signs posted, pointing to the location to avoid any confusion.

We appreciate your support and cooperation and realize we are guests in your neighborhood and will do everything we
can to minimize a disruption while we are here. We have also taken all steps to ensure that all required permits and
liability insurance are in order. *Two members of our Location team will be on site at all times to address any issues that
may arise. Our team is available anytime if you need to contact us with any questions or concerns.


Alán Vasquez
Location Scout

12 thoughts on “Commercial Filming this weekend, 2/15/18

  1. This is a joke, right? Bixby Bridge, on a 3 day Holiday WEEKEND?
    A weekend would be bad enough, but this is truly insane. Joke is on us I guess

  2. Howdy Kate!

    Thanks so much for all you do for our community!

    I just wanted to comment, that ‘Scout’ could have shown everyone here, including tourism traffic, the courtesy of scheduling their work on our heavily traveled coastline to weekdays (duh!), instead of choosing a 3-day weekend! Thanks to your warning, I will change my planned trip for Friday, to today, Thursday, to avoid their presence & likely slower traffic, given the doubling & tripling of normal traffic here on a beautiful weekend.

    We shall enjoy this long weekend at home!

  3. I am in 100% agreement with Jan. My thoughts are, if this Chirp Film Company does have Big Sur as their best interest then why would they schedule a major production on a beautiful 3 day weekend and clog up the Bixby Bridge so that our guests cannot enjoy it. I am not happy about this at all and wish that the Monterey County would have only approved week day scheduling. There is my rant.

  4. Ridiculous timing. With that mind set, I’m surprised they didn’t pick the same weekend as the AT&T.
    Who approved this garbage? And what universe do they live in??

  5. Kate,

    Why did all the above only give the public a 36 hour or less notice of this shutdown?

  6. Whoever issued this permit must live in a cave and has no connection to Hwy 1 and Big Sur!!

  7. ” neighbors” they say? es-chuuuuuse me? I don’t know or recognize you, Mr Alán Vasquez and Chirp films! never seen you at the PO. rather a liberal and condescending ( corporate PR ) use of the term I’d say, especially considering their actions of holiday weekend filming.

    nice they post his ph #, reckon I’ll use that right now because even though they’re ‘neighbors’ ( hah! ) they likely won’t read any of this.

  8. caught a live person who said ‘it’s not their decision’ to film on a holiday weekend and claimed they have received 15+ emails THANKING them for their ‘timely notification’ and also said ‘no delays will be longer than 5 minutes’.

    email them instead of ( or also ) posting here folks.

    not the end of the world maybe, but certainly more impact than a wiser decision regards timing could have done.

  9. This is a point I tried to make at Muli Agency meeting months ago. Our County officials keep approving permits for commercials, movies, Netflix series, etc. that highlight Bixby Bridge and Big Sur. Do they not realize that there are.arond 20 parking spots there with thousands of cars trying to stop there on any given day. It’s a public safety issue that is only going to get worse! They should be taking action to deter people from going there due to the lack of infrastructure and that increased parking spots will never be possible. All they see is $$$$$$$$$!!!!!!!!!!!

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