11 thoughts on “MoCo Plans for traffic at Rio Rd and Highway One

  1. Hmm, so back to what didn’t work last weekend? (I thought I’d read that they’d tried flaggers, though I didn’t see any when I went though last Saturday around 2:15pm)

    And yes, stopping at 6 – peak backup time – seems very dumb.

  2. At & after dusk it is too dangerous for flaggers to be near moving vehicles.

  3. Hmmm, okay, well…have to check my excuses bag…

    I’m sure that they start to get hungry for dinner about this time…

  4. so now there will be a left turn southbound again. i feel like today’s drive home is going to be a long hour of slow moving… maybe longer.

  5. What happened to the flaggers at Rio…thought they were going to be there today 2-6? Any idea or did I get this wrong?

  6. I got out of there early today (1:45pm) and it was nice and clear – looking at Google Maps traffic, it still looks almost clear.

    Volume of traffic in Big Sur looked to be similar to last Saturday, so hopefully they’re doing something better at Rio Road today (though I see the Dorothy comment saying no flaggers at 4pm) – hmmm…

  7. I know traffic jams are a pain but this is one of the best coast lines to have one.

  8. Understand that people live on this coast line and are trying to get to work, to doctors appointments, not to mention any emergencies. I understand your perspective, but there are others.

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