6 thoughts on “Photo Sunday, 6/3/18

  1. A nice collection of planters & plants. Cheerful.
    Basil may bolt in the summer heat, provide shade, pick off the tips.
    New Zealand spinach would do well- it is a low maintenance, prolific grower and the young foliage is tasty & nutritious when steamed with some lemon juice & olive oil or butter.

  2. The sweet marjoram is bolting, but I will collect the seeds and replant in fall. I have last years beets flowering. Also will be collecting the seeds. I bought 50 little seed envelopes just for this season. Plan on collecting a bunch. I only buy heirloom, non-GMO, so I can collect seeds and save some and give some.

  3. Beautiful and bountiful Kate. Looks like you will have much to pick from.

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