21 thoughts on “One little Big Sur Hummingbird…

  1. Thank you everyone for your kind comments. I love our community and home! If we all do what we can to protect it we can combat the bad apples that just don’t care. There are so many people here to thank everyday that do the little things to keep Big Sur beautiful!

  2. Thank you, Thank You. These thugs should have their fingers trimmed. 😖

    Sent from my iPad


  3. – for those of us of little skill who would like to be hummingbirds-what solution/technique did u use to get tree so pristine-Thanks for a beautiful job

  4. I think he carefully scrapped it off the tree. The rock solution another follower provided, using a paint color as close to the rock as possible, and put sand on top of the paint. Guard rail was the easiest, but it will be interesting to see if the graffiti “bleeds” through.

  5. The power of one can be amazing… the power of many “ones” can be unstoppable
    Thank-you Mr. Hummingbird

  6. Great job, Marcus. It was so great that you did it so quickly. It seems when people see graffiti they think it is OK to add to it. Big Sur thanks you.

  7. Great job, Marcus. It was so great that you did it so quickly. It seems when people see graffiti they think it is OK to add to it. Big Sur thanks you.

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