Controlled Burns today, 1/4/19

There are two noticed controlled burns today. One is on FHL, the other is on the Hearst Ranch. This last one is to be quite large, 1400 acres I think the notice said. Sorry, I forgot to post it yesterday. Here is a photo by Anni Agren taken today down toward the Hearst Ranch.


3 thoughts on “Controlled Burns today, 1/4/19

  1. BSK: 2019 fire season all aboard, before the storms – clears the air/smoke mess away..

    ..Has your muddy long excursion driveway improved at all?

  2. amen for pro-active burns, this whole beautiful ecology has evolved to burn. Far far better we do it on purpose when safe and reasonable than reactive and chaotic when Nature is too dry. Decent rains so far and a ‘fairly robust’ weather system approaching ? Game on, do it now, all of us, fire clearance, eh? think I might do one tomorrow if the coffee is strong enough, thanks for the prompt from other-where

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