Photo Gallery of the Mill Fire by Brendon Shave

Taken between 5:30 and 6 pm from Prewitt Ridge. Some amazing shots you will not want to miss.

I will be adding more photos to this post this evening. This new format makes me do them one-at-a-time, so more to come. The photo above is probably my favorite. It just says so much!

6 thoughts on “Photo Gallery of the Mill Fire by Brendon Shave

  1. Wow! Thanks for the pics…. and, once again, bless our firefighters!!! Geez….

  2. So far, yes, Lisa, but tonight will tell the story, depending on what the winds do. They want to keep it west of Cone Peak Road in the Coastal zone, as well as north of Nacimiento.

  3. Hello Kate, fantastic photos. As always, your incredible coverage of the big sur coast and community is so much appreciated!

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