Big Sur Chamber of Commerce, Big Sur Health Center, Esalen Institute Community Liaison, Big Sur Fire, Big Sur CERT, Monterey County Sheriff and the Community Association of Big Sur met today to continue coordinated efforts to respond to the COVID-19 pandemic. Each organization provided an update on their current operations and preparations for continuing to shelter at home.
It is important to note that as of this moment, there are no known cases of COVID-19 in the Big Sur planning area.
Big Sur Health Center:
Sharen Carey reports the Health Center has rescheduled regular non-essential exams and is conducting more telephone medicine.  There is a triage tent set up in the front parking lot for people with potentially contagious illness. Staff are equipped with the necessary PPE (Personal Protective Equipment) to safely see patients. The Health Center requests that if you are sick for any reason, please call ahead to see if a visit or a telephone call is needed. Patients with symptoms of COVID-19 will be assessed and testing will be arranged if appropriate, then sent home for quarantine until results are available or routed to CHOMP if necessary. So far, there have been no known cases of COVID-19 in the Big Sur area.
Big Sur Fire:
Matt Harris reports that 20 members of Big Sur Fire are currently operational and equipped with PPE needed to continue their first responder mission. The Fire Station at Post Ranch is in lock down with access limited to all but key personnel. Many of the volunteers are now unemployed, creating financial uncertainty.  Matt is asking the community to consider hiring members of Big Sur Fire for property maintenance and fire clearance projects.
Big Sur CERT
Hal Latta and Dick Ravich report that a resident survey has been sent out to the CERT Team leaders responsible for each of 7 enclaves that CERT has a presence. The survey is intended to establish the segment of Big Sur’s population that is sheltering at home.
Monterey County Sheriff:
Jesse Villasenor reports that all Deputy’s are equipped with PPE and the SO is operating and responding normally (24/7, 365). Recent calls involve burglary of unattended parked cars. Notably, all Law Enforcement agencies continue with active mutual aid including officers from the Fish and Wildlife Service, State Parks, US Forest Service and California Highway Patrol.
Big Sur Chamber of Commerce:
Kirk Gafill, Rick Aldinger and Diana Ballantyne report that business activity has slowed appreciably. A list of businesses, from north to south and their current status, hours of operation and telephone contact information may be downloaded HERE. (PDF, 2 Pages, 92.8 KB) Top of mind for all of the businesses is the continued good health and safety of employees sheltering on property as well as those employees sheltering at home.
Esalen Institute:
Lacy Shannon reports the property is closed at least until April 12th with that date to be re-evaluated at the end of March. Esalen admin. is supporting out of work staff in helping them to secure unemployment benefits, as needed. A current challenge is maintaining a ‘shelter in place’ status while at the same time supporting off property employees who regularly rely on services like laundry facilities, mail deliveries and meals. Some employees are working from home and those sheltering on property are fulfilling their job duties, and, in some cases, have adapted job functions to maintain employment and income.
Community Association of Big Sur:
Butch Kronlund reports his appreciation for those organizations above answering the call to coordinate efforts during this rare moment in modern human history.  As needs emerge, CABS intention is to utilize all of the combined ingenuity and resourcefulness of its Board of Directors and many Associate members in support of the Big Sur community.

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