Colorado Fire Evening Update

No increase in acreage, now up to 80% contained, I am checking out on this fire so this will be my last blog on it. I am glad to have it over. No injuries, only one structure lost, but we learned fire season is all year long. How about each neighborhood go in together to buy a chipper?

12 thoughts on “Colorado Fire Evening Update

  1. That’s a great idea. Plus it would be good for Fire Departments to hold Fire Safety classes for at-risk neighborhoods. Thanks for all your great reporting, Kate. And it was fun to hook up with an old neighbor! See you on FB 🙂

  2. Kate, again a HUGE ‘THANK-YOU’ for all of your hard work and conscientious around keeping all of us well-informed. ❤️

  3. I live out of state, but man, Ms. Kate, you did a bang-up job relaying important info and photos of what was going on. Glad everyone is safe.

  4. Please, lobby Sacramento to end backyard and AG burn permits. So 80’s. The Highland’s chipper program is a stellar example of modern planning. Once again, as always, thanks, Kate, for being our most reliable source of news. Goddess bless you and yours!💜

  5. Kate. It’s really inspiring that you do so much for the community; to keep us updated in times of unknown. A true friend somewhere up there in the mist and the fog of the Big Sur Coast.

    Thich Nhat Hanh:
    “What is happening in the present moment is life.”

    Thank you.

  6. I find it lovely to see LucasRyanCV include a quote by Thich Nhat Hanh. As our fire was unfolding so was Thay dying followed by yesterday’s amazing images of his cremation ceremony in Vietnam. Fire. Mist. Drought. Fire. Rain. No rain. Thay loved each moment and left us with a legacy of mindful presence and gratitude to live out as best we can. In that spirit: gratitude abundant to Kate. And to Katie for noting: burns are “so 80’s.”

  7. Thank you for sharing DW, reminding us of Hanh’s practice of loving each moment, & legacy of mindful presence & gratitude, living as best we can. What a positive & productive way of living our lives!

  8. Nothing wrong with chipping, but if left exposed it dries out and becomes prime ember fuel that takes a long time to burn out.

  9. Kate,
    Thank you for the great coverage of the fire. This is such a great service to the community.

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