Nacimiento’ s Unknown & Uncared for little Bridge, 5/26/17

All these photos were taken by Rock Knocker on May 25, 2017 and show the deteriorating condition of this bridge being subjected to massive stressors due to Convoys with 10 plus trucks at a time carrying loads which exceed this bridge’s capacity. This little bridge is at the very bottom of the grade on Nacimiento-Fergusson Rd., going eastbound, before one starts on the flats next to the river about 1/2 a mile from the first USFS campground – Nacimiento. This bridge is estimated to be between 50 and 75 years old, and hasn’t had ANY maintenance in a very long time. It is full of rust, deteriorating concrete and exposed rebar.


Appointed appellate counsel for indigent defendants (retired.) I have lived in Big Sur since 1984, first on the north coast, and on the South Coast since 1989.

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  • I hope you can get HIGH UP attention for this, Kate. If it goes, everyone down there is screwed. If 'they' push back, go higher. This is bad.

  • Excellent! Now that it is known, they will monitor/lighten the loads and fix/strengthen the bridge... after all - it is the ONLY access point.
    TPTB ? Who can we join you in making some noise to? You know - the squeaky wheel...
    (I'm sure it somewhere in your blog but this post is currently front and center)

  • Holy, Moly! Lot's of rust, single bolt on base plate, minimal bracing, cracks. Yikes! I doubt that the bridge could meet the 15 ton limit in its current condition. I read somewhere that CalTrans stated that each convoy truck is under 15 tons, but....

    • I have it from someone who knows that each truck is OVER 15 tons. Don't believe everything Cal Trans tells you. I have no faith that anyone was paying attention until I started raising a ruckus, and as someone else said on FB, "She was warned. She was given information. Nevertheless, she persisted." I will not be silent.


  • That's not cool - why did you have to show us that?! I totally get your concern but what alternative does Caltrans have? It's my understanding there isn't another road to use except Nacimiento-Fergusson Road! Good vibes to this little bridge!!

    • Donna, I have no choice but to show you this. You would rather the bridge just "unexpectedly collapse?" What choice does Cal Trans have?? Come over with smaller loads! That's the choice. Otherwise, Mother Nature, and old engineering will take away ALL choice ... for everyone. Just like she did with the Pfeiffer Canyon (Gulch) Bridge...and Mud Creek...and now Paul's Slide, which is now closed until Tuesday.


  • Here's a copy of the e-mail I just sent to , Mary Adams, Monterey County Supervisor, District 5:
    Please send inspectors to the bridge at the bottom of the Nacimiento grade ASAP. The photos taken on 5/4 of the underside of that bridge and posted at do not instill confidence in those of us who live and work in Big Sur and must depend on it for our survival. Thanks for your attention to this matter….

  • Caltrans and the rest are doing the best they can....whenever i see them i tell them how we appreciate their else but via nacimiento rd can they gain access? I know the authorities are trying,and my family appreciates it...look at the bright side,we won't have hordes of them awful 'invaders' overrunning 'our' Big Sur!

    • Herb, yes, they are doing a phenomenal job under horrific circumstances, BUT, the contractors need to bring in smaller loads and fewer trucks per convoy to assure this bridge's survival. Yes, it will take longer and cost more, but if this little insignificant bridge gives out, then the bigger bridge cannot be repaired until this one is. Which would you prefer?


  • Kate, you are doing a phenomenal job of conveying necessary information to those who need to hear it and have the power to address the problems....before the problems (in this case the bridge) escalate into major problems! Thank you. Carry on...and let us help where and how we can!

  • Thanks for TPTB contact info. Copied for my personal reference so it doesn't get "lost". As for the "little bridge", nothing personal against the inspectors or Caltrans or anybody else. HOWEVER this bridge is too vital to the whole process not to be given due attention.

    • That's the idea. So if something happens, I have documentation that I contacted everyone and showed them evidence of the problem. I am used to this stuff.

  • Kate you mentioned Paul's slide is closed until Tuesday, is it expected to be reopened for deliveries and local access on Tuesday, or are they looking at later in the week for that? Thank you for any updates!

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