Photo Sunday, 6/2/19

I have been wanting to change my blog format for quite some time, and I have been exploring other formats for the last few days. I finally settled on this one, as the one I wanted cost $125 or some such. I already spend $300 for a “business” plan which allows me to store so much and present my blog with no ads, so that was not feasible. See how you like this one, and let me know in the comments section below. Not quite as striking for photos, but way more easily read for text. Hope you like it.

Mystical Forest

37 thoughts on “Photo Sunday, 6/2/19

  1. Photos come across beautifully. Feels less cramped. Very nice.

  2. Easy to read. Nice and clean. Thank you for the no ads…it’s a rare thing these days.

  3. Like it a lot…. eaay to see and navigate. Photo is great. The ONLY downside is your ld blog had a truly unique format an somehow felt deep Big Surish and this is more of what you see everywhere. I may be among the few that appreciated the “feel” of the old (and it was the one blog that I would refer to friends that people paid attention to as it was “different” and caught their attention… figured that was a great way of getting attention paid to Big Sur issues), However I completely understand and support you. Great work as always.

  4. Good Morning Kate. I like the new format. My only minor issue is the bright white background. I guess I just have gotten used to “dark mode” on other apps/sites. It just seems really bridge for me. Also, is it possible to slightly thicken the font?

  5. I appreciate all the information you provide Kate! If this makes it easier for YOU, do it. We the public can figure it out in whichever format you present. Thank you and celebrate this beautiful Sunday.

  6. Like. Clean, clear. Bestowing respect and gratitude for the ad free gift. Beautiful.

  7. Yes❣️Really appreciate your new & old format and for you being there sharing your many various informative blogs…. TERRIFIC….

  8. I was “attached” to the old format, that is for sure. But after almost 11 years, I figured it needed an update, and the black with white text was hard for some to read, and definitely hard to copy and paste, so I will try this out for a year or so, and will see how it works. Thank you for your perspective. I did feel it was different.

  9. Very nice! Much easier to read… I like it! Personally I like the light background over the dark…

  10. Thought I was in the wrong place, or somebody corrupted your old blog.
    Then, it dawned on me that this was new & for real.
    What a pleasant surprise.
    It reminds me of a newspaper, which is a comfortable thing.
    The former blog was unique,
    but I was having to squint and stick my head up to the screen to read with that black background.

    Thanks for the innovation! I think it’s a real good update. It gets ones attention.

  11. Oh, and that Mystical Forest photo is absolutely beautiful.
    To my eyes, it is much clearer- more detailed- than anything published previously.

  12. I’m liking this one better. It’s “fresher” looking and much easier to read, the comments are far easier to see as well. The pictures are much better. I vote to keep this one. No matter what style you use, the content is the main focus and will be no matter how its formatted.

  13. Ernest- Dimming your screen display may help if the new white is too bright for you

  14. Thanks for making this improvement, Kate. Much easier to read.

  15. Agree with all of the above. Loving the lighter background. The aesthetic adds a positive, hope filled feeling to what ever you post.

  16. Thanks for all you do Kate! Format is fine. One small item I noticed, it appears that to simply ‘like’ posts without commenting a wordpress account must be created (?). Again not a huge deal. Format overall looks great, David

  17. Well done on the new design! You mentioned the minor cost of a new template being an issue. You provide a tremendous service for the community and region.

    There is no reason you should have to bear the expense alone. I’m confident your readers would gratefully support you. I would be among the first. Please add a PayPal Donate button to your site. I among many others would like to support you.


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