More Filming at Bixby

Date: December 19th, 21st, & 22nd, 2019 Big Sur
To: Residents and Businesses
From: Tool of North America
Re: Film Production Activity on Highway 1, Hurricane Point, Near Andrew Molera and Coast Road, in the Big Sur area, scheduled for December 19th, 21st, & 22nd, 2019.
In an effort to better communicate with Big Sur residents and business owners regarding upcoming film activities in the area, this is to notify you of a permitted film shoot to take place on 12/19/2019 from 7:00am to 6:00pm. Our work will require intermittent traffic control (ITC) including stages at and near Bixby Bridge and Hwy 1 to Hurricane Point (Mile Markers 58 to 60). As per our permit, a portion of parking at the Bixby Bridge turnout will also be used for production staging. We will also be filming along Hwy 1 from just beyond Point Sur to the small Redwood groves just North of the River Inn.
We will be hiring California Highway Patrol officers to facilitate the ITC and to ensure public safety and access with only brief traffic holds. Most of our trucks and equipment will be stationed a few miles away on private property. We have taken all necessary steps to ensure that the required permits have been obtained and will comply with restrictions necessary for a safe and efficient shoot.
The production company would like to show its appreciation to the community with a donation to the Mid Coast Fire Brigade. Thank you for your cooperation and understanding. I hope this advance notice is helpful for you to plan your day.
Sincerely yours,
Jeff Clark, Locations Dept. Tool of North America
(831) 521-3710

One thought on “More Filming at Bixby

  1. Hello Jeff … Thank you! May I make a friendly suggestion … how about “Sharing” the wealth, and give half, or some of that donation to Big Sur Fire. Why you ask? Well because there are actually two “all” volunteer fire brigades in Big Sur that look after and protect you, the traveling public and us …
    Again, thank you,
    janet ~

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