Opening Day of Tourist Season

Today was what I refer to as “opening day of tourist season.” And so, I went out and played tourist today. THAT was an experience.

For those of you who have been following me for sometime, you know I write “off-the-cuff” so-to-speak. I do little editing, I just write what I am experiencing, with little to no thought. Sort of a stream of consciousness sort of thing. God knows my “paid” writing is staid, logical, and well-thought out. This is anything but. So tonight, I just tell what happened.

First, getting off the mountain is always a treat. The views,

the flowers, the beauty – another shot of one of my favorite wildflowers, the Calochortus albus, or fairy lantern:

First, I went to Ventana

where I met with author Janey Bennett (“The Pale Surface of Things”) with whom I have been corresponding about her latest book. I’ve read her first book twice, now. It is fantastic! It is about relationships, finding one’s self, and finding one’s place on this planet. (Rather simplistic overview, but I don’t want to give the story away, and that’s not what this post is about.) It takes place in Crete in current times, but weaves together the time of the Minoans and the resistance during WWII, into the fabric of today. It has won numerous awards, and is a great read.

Well, Janey is working on her second book, and it takes place during the Basin Fire. We talked about logistics, facts, and an ending that made me tear up. I can’t wait for it to be released. We met at Ventana, where the story will probably end.

After Ventana, I met friends in town, did the usual, and then headed back down the coast. Town was CROWDED!! (I wish I had thought to take a photo of all the traffic! I could not believe it!) I so wanted to get out of there! Well, Big Sur was crowded, too. Like I said, it was the opening day of tourist season.

So, I first stopped in the local pub. Nothing new there, and I did not stay long. Then I went back to Ventana.

Oh, the ambiance, the views,

the food, the people! I took photos of everything, including my incredible dinner!

(to be continued)

4 thoughts on “Opening Day of Tourist Season

  1. ugh Cambria was PACKED yesterday….if people want to look around why don’t they park and get out of their cars? Price you pay for living in paradise i guess….

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