Blessed Rain

5:00 pm – rain is now up to 1/2 an inch, a lot more than I was lead to believe, and every last drop welcome, even the sudden downpour while I was trying to deal with a trespassing bicyclist. It was raining cats ‘n dogs several times according to my gauge.

Be careful if you find yourself on the road. Could face problems, hopefully minor.

2 thoughts on “Blessed Rain

  1. We’ve had a goodly amount, too. Don’t have no fancy gages, so can’t tell how much. Just loving the sound of rain on the roof.

  2. At PV School, it was .26 inches in our rain gauge. Did a town run yesterday, to run the “Just Kids” 3-K (Our school won the first prize in our category!), and it was really wild on the highway with downpours, fog/rain, and aggressive tailgating Friday drivers going to the Marathon (pulled over a lot), who would pass me during a blind curve and double yellow line.
    It seemed that every time I went from a store, where I was shopping, to my truck, I would get miserably drenched by a sudden deluge!

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