Rain Report. 3/21/16

7:30 am – I was following the weather reports, but last night still took me by surprise. Last I’d read it was a 20% chance, and it would be only .10″ or less. Fooled me. By last night at 9:30 pm, I had .25″. Since midnight’s reset, I’ve had .30″ of rain. I have a 2 and 1/2 hour gap in my rain monitoring – again. Oh well. I mess up. None-the-less, probably somewhere around .6-.75″ total, but I’m guessing here. Tonight’s repeat is the same, only chances are 30%. Should be fun!

One thought on “Rain Report. 3/21/16

  1. Not only are you forgiven but nobody predicted rain, mid valley hit, too. Not much but everything wet. The Carmel River here is now a good 70 feet wide and deep and clear, it’s fabulous to see. Not spotting fish yet. Yesterday around five pm, two kayakers went under the bridge over Robinson Canyon and we hallooed each other, they were having a good time, headed to the ocean. Amazing. Spring. My heart is singing again with all the colors, everything in bloom, what a joy the rains bring.

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