Highway One Closure Update, 11/27/17

Mud Creek (PM 8.9)
Mud Creek had a major slide on Saturday, May 20, 2017, losing over 5 million cubic yards of material. Caltrans continues with its plan to realign the existing terrain with the projected timeline to safely open to public traffic is late-summer 2018 at an estimated cost of $40 million.

Last week, the contractor continued placing rock revetment, working from the north going south and will place rock revetment across the entire toe. Also, construction continues of the south fill embankment. These same operations will this week.

There is currently no public/local access through the Mud Creek area since this remains an active, emergency construction zone.

Paul’s Slide (PM 21.6)
Paul’s Slide is still active but the 24/7 traffic signal remains in place and temporary guardrail (k-rail) in the centerline. PLEASE BE ADVISED: There will be no access through Paul’s Slide due to paving on Thursday, Nov. 30 from 7:30 am to 4 pm—gates will be closed north and south of Paul’s and roadway will be impassable at this location during this time only; the only access will be from the north.


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