4 thoughts on “From Monterey County re Rocky Creek Closure

  1. Hi Kate,
    Thank you so much for being Information Central! I have a question. Earlier before Rocky Creek you posted a closure at Ragged Point. Is that open yet? Aside from that importance to all of you residents, I’m scheduled for a long awaited stay at Kirk Creek April 14th and wonder if it is possible to get there? Thank you again. Maura

  2. I’ll second that, Maura!

    I’ll offer these observations from Google Street View. I tried to send Kate screenshots of the specifics but something happened (my errer) and they didn’t go through. To summarize, the GSV pix showed that water is seeping thorough the roadcut opposite the area of the failure into, and perhaps under, the old sprayed concrete-lined ditch that doesn’t seem to me to be adequate (perhaps expedient). I don’t know how old the ditch is, but it appears to have been long silted up in places, backing up standing (and seeping) water that could seeping around it and through cracks in it. That water can accumulate over time under the right conditions, and not exactly strengthening the structure’s buttressing effect. I suspect a sequence of failures starting with the wall, and perhaps ending with the fill of unconsolidated fill at the hinge point between the cut and fill (boundary).

    If one looks south (uphill) to the area where an earlier failure occurred https://www.google.com/maps/@36.3773699,-121.9040559,3a,75y,163.93h,72.82t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1snDIA6bFHXVZrVwfoLdVzOQ!2e0!7i16384!8i8192?entry=ttu note the apparently new drain, draining a relatively small catchment area below another subdrain uphill at the end of the area of the failure where a reinforced concrete structure (“half bridge”?) apparently replaced that where the failure occurred. In addition to the seepage, these structures were apparently expected to capture and carry off (at the Rocky Creek Bridge where there is an “inlet” into an apparent relatively small surface pipe. In these areas uphill from the RCB failure site and above the newer structure to the south, an apparently newer (no cracks visible in the GSV screenshot) lined ditch which also is blocked by debris (dry ravel, slopewash, etc.). Perhaps the RCB failure’s solution will be the construction of a similar structure or blasting/dozing a new alignment.

    Just observations, not conclusions.

  3. Hi Kate. I hope you all are doing ok with this new closure! I had reservations for camping next week. Oh well. Stay safe out there. See you later in the spring I hope!

  4. Wayne Tyson, I looked at your Google map links. I’m wondering if the links you have sent show a different bridge? Mea culpa if am completely wrong – my knowledge of geography isn’t the best!

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