San Bruno Fire

Around 6 pm this evening, a natural gas main, 24″ pipe exploded, causing a crater 30′ x 25′ x 15′ deep. Many homes and vegetation are on fire. 53 homes destroyed, 120 damaged so far, at 10:30 pm. All medical staff have been called back to duty in Daly City. Injuries and casualties are expected to mount throughout the evening. Most Bay Area stations are providing live feed, and from what I can tell, it is pretty horrific. Firefighters are being called in from throughout neighboring areas, and the planning for tomorrow is already being discussed. I won’t be covering this one, other than to mention it here, but suggest you follow the local stations for that area for additional information about this fire. Our hearts and prayers go out to our neighbors to the north.

For more information on this incident, you can follow the LA Times blog here.

Life & Blogging

I try to post almost every day about what is going on here in the Wilds of Big Sur, whether it be weather, road, fire conditions- or sometimes just photographs, and I usually succeed. Sometimes I cannot. Life is just too busy. My time is not my own. I am juggling too many objects, some of them sharp. Right now is one of those times. I hope to be able to post something of interest in the next few days, as I did promise you Part 3 of my Keeping Big Sur safe from wildfires series. That would be Saturday, if I am lucky. In the mean time, enjoy this beautiful weather we are having. I am!

Oh, and don’t forget the “Art from Here to There” on Sunday at 3 pm at the Ventana Terrace to benefit the Big Sur Health Clinic. Will see you there!