6 thoughts on “Sunday Photo, 11/27/2022

  1. Thank you, Kate, for sharing some of your treasures with us. Joy and peace to you.

  2. “Advent is the time of promise; it is not yet the time of fulfillment. We are still in the midst of everything and in the logical inexorability and relentlessness of destiny.… Space is still filled with the noise of destruction and annihilation, the shouts of self-assurance and arrogance, the weeping of despair and helplessness. But round about the horizon the eternal realities stand silent in their age-old longing. There shines on them already the first mild light of the radiant fulfillment to come. From afar sound the first notes as of pipes and voices, not yet discernable as a song or melody. It is all far off still, and only just announced and foretold. But it is happening, today.”
    Alfred Delp

  3. Such a beautiful tableau, Kate. It gets my creative juices flowing.Thanks, just what I needed!

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