Esalen’s Gardens

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For your weekend viewing pleasure, a magical place. This place soaks up all the love it receives and gives back in food & beauty. I’m sure it is the work of many, many people, but two I know who put in a great deal of care into this wonderland are Shirley Ward and Kyle Evans. Enjoy this small tribute to a most glorious place. Thanks for letting me wander.

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Tuesday … afternoon

It is hard to write a blog almost every day for a year, and find new and exciting things to say, unless there is a fire, or a mudslide, or heavy snow, or a murder. Just kidding about the latter. And if not new and exciting, maybe informative. Well, if not informative, then of interest. It is sort of an informal newspaper column … sort of … with a small readership (much larger than I ever expected). And, if all else fails, post some photos. People like visuals. And I like taking photographs. So, there you have it.

So, this afternoon’s foray to Cambria for supplies yielded a few photos.


And when words fail me (OMG, did I say that? And me, a lawyer?) Photos never do. Thanks for reading, and looking, and commenting, when you do. I enjoy the feedback, I really do.