Pfeiffer Fire, Day Two – a local’s perspective

5:00 pm – went to the meeting. Basic facts are 769 acres, 20% contained, full containment expected by Friday. 24 structures lost. We are expecting winds starting tomorrow night, but hopefully it won’t create any problems. Saw Celia at the meeting, and CPOA quietly gave checks to those confirmed to have lost houses.

Noon. I have been up here in Big Sur proper for 3 hours now. I’ve talked to locals, including Celia Morganrath Sandborn, her mother Helen Morganrath, and others. I heard her story of the harrowing escape she led her family and neighbors on, just because a small bladder woke her up. I will resell it with her permission later. I also have taken photos, some of which I will upload on the photos post, yet to be created. I also have some updates for official announcements, but having a bite to eat.


5:30 am – I will be posting throughout the day any relevant, helpful, information. Will start with this photo sent to me just after midnight this morning of firefighters defending the Halvorsen’s house, taken by Jeff Mallory.

My blog was inundated yesterday, and many people who had never commented before, which requires moderation, were commenting. That slows down the process tremendously. I also noted some speculation and inaccuracies, against which I would strongly caution. Specific offers to help are greatly appreciated, but they are hard to locate on my blog. A better venue for that is big sur cert which is organized specifically for offers of help so that those seeking it can find what they need.

It will be another long and stressful day for all those involved. Lets make it as easy on ourselves as we can. Strive for accuracy first and foremost. Be gentle with one another. I will, in all probability have three separate posts going and being updated throughout the day. This one, a local’s perspective; one, official announcements; and thirdly, a photos page. That way we can easily keep track.

Pfeiffer Fire Photos


The above photo is also by Jeff Mallory. The photo credits on the ones below are FUBAR. Nighttime ones are by Jeff Mallory, daytime, by Howard Jones, except the top four by Stan, and the one by Jeff of the helicopter and Cal Fire truck. And then there is the one of MK’s house, if I ever get it up! Sorry, it has been crazy today!

These four photos are by Stan Russel, Big Sur Chamber of Commerce.


This photo is by Jeff Mallory taken by his front gate.

The following are by Howard Jones.
The following are from Jeff Mallory from early this am.
