Catching up is hard to do …

Thank you for your notes, calls, and concerns everyone! It is soooo great to know you all care, and read this silly little blog. It is also nice to have internet again. I have a photo I prepared this weekend for your enjoyment, which I will post below. I also have February’s Wildflowers that I took today, and Dave Allen tells me that somewhere buried in my 350 emails, is one from him with shots of our stupendous waves. And if I can’t find that, Rock Knocker has some shots for me. And finally, of course, we have the incoming storm to track. So, bigsurkate will be very busy and very active for the next few days.

On Saturday, a gorgeous day in the 70’s, I had company. Rare company. I had Sarah from Ohio, Peter from Washington, Avis from Lucia, and the Rock Knocker from the next mountain over. RK left first, and after Sarah, Peter, and Avis left, I was visited by this sight. What a gorgeous day on the mountain!

Deaf, mute, and blind

… that’s the way I feel. I have been without any internet since Thursday night. I am sitting at the River Inn, on their wireless, posting this. I should have a new cellular modem this afternoon, and will be back in action then, with some photos, some thoughts, and other ramblings from a wayward mind.

2:30 pm – YAY!! I am back!! Did you miss me? I know Debbie did, she called me last night to make sure I was okay.