Lost Dog -FOUND

UPDATE – Awesome was found at the SPCA and reunited with his owner. 

Awesome, a 3 year-old pit, sweet dog, wandered off From home on Palo Colorado Canyon, about 2 miles from Bottchers Gap Saturday Afternoon. He is about 65 lbs. No tags, and not wearing his collar. Here is his photo. Let’s bring him home. Call owner Mike at home, 831-622-0600 or cell 202-344-7331. (No cell reception at home, but owner in town today checking all local shelters.)

And while we are talking lost dogs, I was reading about a new app called Finding Rover – a facial recognition software for dogs. The app will emit a bark so one’s dog looks directly at the iPhone for a photo, then snap for a head-on shot. It will upload to Finding Rover, and if ever lost, can be sent out to local agencies. I understand MoCo SPCA is using this and thinks it will really help reunite lost dogs with their owners. I have not tried it yet, but will be downloading the app on my next wifi connection. 

Hiking the Pacific Crest Trail

my first born is hiking the PCT. he managed to call me on Mothers Day, anyway. Yesterday, he posted this. The Hermitage is tracking his progress and has it on a map in the book store, which they have also been posting to their FB page. Go Brendon (PCT15@wordpress.com)