Campfire left unattended…

Brendon shot a video this last weekend. Unfortunately, it is shot sidewise, and there is a black out section when he put the camera down, and lots of f**ks, but he found an unattended campfire.  He was on his way down to the coast, and was down there about 4 hours. When he came back, these campers were just returning, and one of the guys completely denied that they left a burning campfire unattended, but did admit he didn’t touch it. I wish he had gotten a video of them coming back to their campsite.

Look at the smoke coming off that fire as Brendon uses their water to put out their fire. There wasn’t enough water, so he went to another camper to grab more water. Completely unattended for 4 hours. Un-f***ing-real.

Summer unofficially kicks off this Memorial Day weekend. Be extra vigilant. Be polite but firm, unless it involves fire. Then you have permission to get in their face.
