I danced with a hawk today

I danced with a hawk today, perhaps a juvenile red-tail, but I’m not sure, who decided to play with me on the way to the BSFVB Muster & BBQ.


He flew over the car and landed in a nearby tree. Then got curious for another look.


He looked me right in the eye. We danced.


He showed me his coloring and his great flying skills. Then our song of soaring ended, and he flew away.


I am better at photographing Mother Nature than I am people, but I will post some people shots tomorrow or Monday of the BSVFB Muster/BBQ/Retirement Party. Great food. Great people. Great party.

2 thoughts on “I danced with a hawk today

  1. Wow! When you do things like this, I begin to understand the gift of artistic expression through photography. I’m glad I found your site.

  2. great photos and text. i love the concept of your dancing and somehow communing with the hawk. i’ll check your blog more often.

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