Weather Report, 12/22/09

As of 6 pm last night, we received .25 inches of rain during the day. Gentle drizzle, but the wind kicked up in the evening, and this morning we woke to another .25 inches, and frost everywhere. At 11 am this morning, it is a whopping 38 degrees!

The great Pacific is absolutely covered with white caps. As is often the case, when it is windy down there, the ridges are quiet.

This was taken Sunday night, and you can see Monday’s storm organizing on the horizon. I love when one can see the currents on the water, as depicted in this photograph!

6 thoughts on “Weather Report, 12/22/09

  1. I love this view of storms pinwheeling into the coast. Your bird’s eye view is invaluable, Kate.

  2. What is the name of that point in the middle of the photo ? I would think it looks like Lucia !

    Do you think that the trees on your property , reccord the weather as well as the years ?

    Have any core samples been done on your trees ?

    What is the “D B H” of your oldest Oak ? (diameter at breast height)

    Do you have Grey Squirrels as well as Ground Squirrels, up there at your homestead ?

  3. PS: I Love the Snow Flakes on your webpages ,,,, what do you think mud flakes would look like ?

  4. Hi Kate, you mentioned that you could see the currents on the sea water in your photo , maybe indicated by the smooth linear water surface areas . From Pfeiffer point, I also saw many “slick” water corridors along the coast, and often wondered what caused them . Later I thought that they might be different temperature gradients, coming to the surface ,,, in the Navy we called them “Thermoclines”, and they are “bound in”, by different water temperatures , surface at times, and these water slick channels, might be what we see ???
    Some of the surfers thought they might be caused by oils eminating from kelp patches ,,,,, I would like to know the real answer . So if you discover or have knowledge about them , please share it … I do agree that their directions are indeed influenced by surface currents .

    Was the photo taken from near your cabin , or did you walk out to a vista point ?

    Wishing you and your Lads , a Happy Christmas feast , May Pease Be On Your Ridge and in your cabin , and full tummies , all around .

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