Road Rumors on the South Coast

Lots of rumors flying around about road conditions down here and on line.

First, let me address the Nacimiento-Fergusson Rd. rumor. One person wrote that he heard the road was closed on base. Every Spring, there is a large practice bivouac training exercise. We are never told exactly when it will be held, for security purposes. For years, a sign has announced this possibility of delay at both ends of the road. It has been there so long, most of us don’t even notice it anymore. When this spring training happens, we are subject to delays, but rarely complete and utter closures of any significant length. Be patient. You will get through in all likelihood.

Second is Alder Creek. One source working the slide reports there is too much material to be moved in time for the anticipated opening of mid-June and says it will likely be around the first of July. Another source working the slide says the opening is on time. Obviously, both are not accurate, and neither is the official word. At this point, take a look at the photos, toss the bones, throw the chicken entrails, and we’ll probably get as accurate an assessment as we are likely to get. There is still a lot of material to be disposed of, and it is being trucked away. Due to a complaint re the use of jake brakes, according to one source, the trucks must take only partial loads, but the work day has been increased from 10 hours a day to twelve. Like I said – get out your Tarot cards and see what they say. I doubt even Cal-Trans can predict.

And then there is the upcoming storm – hard to predict what impact this will have on the slide, other than, “Not good.”