Tourist Tuesday, 10/30/18

This is a very short piece today, as I picked up my new van yesterday, and we are getting acquainted.

This is a very appropriate quote that ALL our representatives and partners on this coast need to take seriously to heart and apply here:

Author of the famous book, Sustainable Tourism on a Finite Planet: Environmental, Business and Policy Solutions, Megan Epler Wood, describes ecotourism as “responsible travel to natural areas that conserves the environment and improves the well-being of local people”.

I just ordered 5 of this book on Amazon. I will keep one to read, and share. and pass one on to Mary Adams’s office, and one on to Bill Monning’s office, one to Jimmy Panetta’s office, and finally, send one to MCCVB. If you can think of anyone else who really needs one of these, would you buy it and send it to them? I am at my spending limit for gifts with all the political donations I have made in the last few months all over the country.

If I could figure out how to link to it, I would, but it is beyond me, so here is a screen shot instead:


5 thoughts on “Tourist Tuesday, 10/30/18

  1. Thank you, Kate, for sharing this book.  I will order one. And, I want you to know you are doing a fine job keeping us informed on tourism’s impacts and your love for Big Sur shows. As does mine. Andrea Rule

  2. Thank you Kate…such a thoughtful gesture. You are always thinking local and global and we are lucky to have your strategic thoughts.

  3. Key to successful sustainable tourism is resident well-being. The CCC puts unfettered access before resident well-being. This has to change if we are to successfully protect our coast and our coastal communities.

  4. Wow! At $46+ I can understand putting a limit on your giving. Mari gave a good suggestion. I’ve often been quite successful getting the local library to purchase suggested books. I think I’ll try that. <3

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