FIRE on Fort Hunter Liggett NOT a controlled burn

Update 5/31 – fire was contained late last night at 2200 acres. Started by a training exercise with live ammunition.

Update- ” A wild land fire that began around 4 p.m. is burning in Fort Hunter Liggett training areas south of Nacimiento-Fergusson Road and west of Jolon Road. More than 30 firefighters and a dozen vehicles from our fire department, CalFire and the U.S. Forest Service have the 2,500 acre fire about 15-20 percent contained. Nacimiento-Fergusson is open as of 6:30 p.m. but be prepared for possible delays. Updates as information changes.”

Fire is clearly showing up on the 11-3.9 micron satellite with a strong heat signal as of 10:10 pm scan. Nothing on Modis yet.
Here is link to FHL RAWS:…FHLC1&time=GMT

According to my source, the fire at FHL is NOT a controlled burn. It was started by some troops out on Haycamp Rd. And it headed up to the San Miguelito Loop. An unnamed Capt. There at FHL Fire said “They are taking out the loop.” My source interpreted this to mean that they would probably do a backfire to cut off the main fire. Will be interesting to see where we are on this in the am.

Smoke, FHL

9:00 update- from my wonderful retired Fire Capt. source “hey Kate ….just got off the horn with the station….GI’s started a fire on Haycamp rd and it is now up to the san miguelito loop an the capt. talked too, he got called in on OT…. said they are takng the loop out so that’s probably where all the smokes coming from Kate…they’re probably doing a backfire to cut the main fire off I bet……”

There is a lot of smoke over FHL coming this way. It could be part of the controlled burn I warned about. Unless I hear differently, or see flames after dark, I am going with control burn. Otherwise,I’ll let you know.