Alder Creek Slide Removal Update

Yesterday, a great article by Chris Counts appeared in the Carmel Pine Cone. (see link under local media). One minor correction, though, and that is the helicoptering in of the equipment happened on Wednesday, not Tuesday.

Kirk Gafill has become an incredibly articulate and reasonable spokesperson for the business community in his role as President of the Big Sur Chamber of Commerce, and I, personally, thank him for his continued involvement in the health and well-being of our community, which depends so greatly on our tourist-supported businesses.

Amazingly, all necessary agencies worked well together and were able to agree to allow much of the slide material to go where gravity and Mother Nature originally intended. Only took two weeks, too. Five agencies, I counted were involved – USFS, Cal-Trans, NOAA, Monterey Marine Sanctuary, and the California Coastal Commission.

My trip north yesterday was the first I had taken for several months, I believe, and certainly the first since the road opened. I stopped on the way back and took a photo of the Rocky Creek slide as it looks currently, and will post it this afternoon. (Still in camera, still in car.)