2 thoughts on “Evacuation Warning – Cachagua & Tassajara

  1. Just drove past two fire trucks and crews doing hillside surveys of people and homes in the Carmel Valley hills to the south of CV Road. They gave me a thumbs up in answer to my ‘how’s it lookin’, that the fire’s moving away from the village; I see now that Tassajara and Cachagua may be in trouble. Cars, anything outdoors here looks like it’s been in a snow blizzard, my black car’s almost white. The air quality comes and goes. The wind’s up a bit just now, the sky above is unrelenting white-gray and dense. Sorry for the summer brides; no tourists in sight.
    There seems to be universal relief that there is no sign of FEMA here who were terrifyingly horrid the last go. Sheriffs, and firemen from all over thest world are just fabulous. Someone is doing aces work on the battlefields. Prayers out to all in trouble, we’re in good hands and have learned to roll with the punches, glad for any good news. Just heard Bette and Bill Nelson on Palo are safe, out, okay all family, and the house is still okay too. I didn’t even demand Bette go back and retrieve my paintings from their walls!
    Thanks, Kate.

  2. Dear Holycowgirl (I love that name 🙂

    thanks for relating the “thumbs up” moment with the firefighters. I realize that even the smallest bit of positive news can really lift my spirits lately, so thanks for sharing that moment!

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