Prescribed burn at Andrew Molera on Tues. or Wed.

UPDATE #2: BEU adds: “We will have 11 engines, 3 hand crews, a CAL FIRE Firehawk Helicopter, representatives from CAL FIRE, CAL TRANS, Monterey County Sheriff’s, Office of Emergency Services, Big Sur Fire Department, USFS, Monterey County Regional Fire Protection, and CHP”

UPDATE: BEU says planned acreage is 90 acres. If there are wind gusts of 29 as predicted it will be postponed.

No acreage is given, so I will follow up with that and find out.

Of course, the winds are expected to be gusting up to 29 mph on Tuesday, so will have to check on that and see if it will be postponed. Stay tuned.

6 thoughts on “Prescribed burn at Andrew Molera on Tues. or Wed.

  1. excuse me ? I thought we covered this ?

    I support the entire concept of restoring our area to a balanced fire ecology with ‘frequent low-intensity fires’ however the likelihood of ANY fire being simply LOW-intensity with fuel moisture levels in the single digits is approaching impossible. the smoke-column from the Cienega fire recently tells the story, though bless them that one was successful.

    remember the Rat Creek fire in 1986 ? October…. and HIGH-intensity because of seasonal low-fuel moisture.

    ‘those who refuse to learn from history will be condemned to repeat it’

    are these people arsonists or what ?

    what the F ?? !

  2. May this prescribed burn be cancelled. This is not the season nor condition for it.

  3. Where do you get your weather info from? Gusts are only at 12 mph on old coast road sensors. NOAA does not predict around 30mph, so please source your information instead of making claims that have zero evidence. This is a restoration burn and will be low intensity, which is much better than having a large scale wildfire.

  4. For information: The Rat Creek fire was a lightning strike on Dolan Ridge on July 6, 1985. Most of the burn initially was low intensity. What caused it to grow was high winds that increased at dusk. Fuel moisture was normal for that time of year. There were lightning strikes all along the central coast on that day, so few resources were available as they were directed to locations where their were more homes.
    I do not understand (or agree with) the agency’s thinking for a prescribed burn at this time. I also do not know all of the factors that they are considering. I do believe we need to find a way to allow for well thought, well timed prescribed burns with adequate resources. As we humans are the new arrivals, I’m very well aware that I chose to build a house and live in a location that evolved to burn— and will burn. There are multitude of factors in learning how to live here in a sustainable manner that respects all ecosystems, plant communities, and the multitude of beings that live along with us.
    I’ve been asking this question — how do we live well in the Big Sur — for for a short 4 1/2 decades. The more I learn, the more I see a little I know. Humbly offered as an open inquiry…

  5. I got my info from a hand glider/fire fighter friend who uses the app Windy. As it turns out, the winds were very calm at the
    Site of the prescribed burn and it went very well.

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