Big Sur takes care of her own

First, Avis, my sister of the heart, thanks for taking care of my blog while I took the day off. AND, I didn’t even ask … you just helped out. Damn, that is why I love this place so much!

Second, Danny, thanks for sharing your photos with all of us so we know what is REALLY going on down here.

Third, thank you Big Sur for taking care of me when I ran out of my place in such a state this morning that I forgot my purse. No money, no credit cards, nothing but my name, and yet, I got lunch, drinks, gas, and home safely. Thanks to a lot of friends and businesses. This community is SO fine!

I also got to check in with the businesses and their employees … and I am impressed. This community is like few others. That will be the subject of my column and post tomorrow.

I have a column to write for the Cambrian and SLO Tribune and bigsurkate due by tomorrow, and lots of photos I took today, so I will be back in the morning.

If one has to be cut off, stranded, isolated, whatever, what better place than Big Sur?

Alder Creek Slide Photos

3:30PM –  Hi Everyone.  Avis here again. The lovely Big Sur Kate is taking a much needed day of R & R.

Danny Millsap the  Caltrans Maintenance Supervisor just sent me these photo’s of the Alder Creek Slide that happened over night. These were taken early this morning. Alder Creek is south of the town of Gorda. The slide is at the 8 MM.

4:15PM – I just spoke with Danny and to quote him  ” Two days or more. Could be a week working as fast as they can safely” before they get this one cleaned up.

I also spoke to many people who traveled Naciemiento Road today and they say the road is clean and in great shape.  So Big Sur, our one and only way in and out across Naciemiento is looking great.

The road from Naciemiento north to the Big Sur Valley is looking good too.

Alder Creek Slide 3/28/2011
Alder Creek Slide Hauling out the dirt
Danny just sent this. Alder taken at 1600 hours

Enjoy the sunshine and be safe out there. Things can change in a moment.

Mother Nature has a sense of humor

2:40 pm – from the River Inn after a great lunch, at least a couple days for the closure, update tomorrow morning.

8:00 am – the official word is that this slide south of Gorda will keep the highway closed, probably for most, if not all day. An update will be issued this evening.

The South Coast drums are reporting a two day closure. And Danny Millsap, the Willow Creek Supervisor just confirmed.

The good news is N-F Rd. is holding, so far. The road down from Big Sur is clear to here. Good luck everyone.

Mother Nature sure has a sense of humor! Keep laughing.

I’ll be out and about checking on things a bit later.