More Friday weather photos

Many of you were blessed with the sight of a rainbow yesterday afternoon.

Rainbow by Ken Cowen

And here is another from the yard, yesterday. I also understand that Nacimiento-Fergusson, which is almost as high as I am at the summit, created challenges for some drivers due to the snow. It is a difficult, and at times dangerous road, so be careful.

Sunshine & Snow by bigsurkate

It was such a sparkling day, once the sun came out. Cold, but sparkling.

8 thoughts on “More Friday weather photos

  1. Great shot Kenny. The TAO is certainly sending you a message of support. Did you find the camera alongside the highway?

    Fabulous snow shot Kate. Not really competition for a Swiss snow shot, but from Plaskett Ridge in April? Sublime.

    By the way, I got a complaint from Nacimiento-Fergusson Road, a close relative of my beloved friend, Highway One, who felt your characterization somewhat insulting. Challenging Experience: Next 24.5 Miles, fine. For Experienced Competent Drivers Only, fine. 39.4289 km of Reality Road Awaits You,fine. But dangerous road, no way José. Only some dangerous incompetent Land O’ Freedom Folks “drivers” to be alert for, but that is hardly N-F’s fault.

  2. Yesterday, Saturday, the morning drive over the Nacimiento summit was a “winter wonderland”. The canyons were coated with sparkling white, and the snow had glazed all the branches and twigs on the trees.

  3. Gosh ,,, was that a comment from the Real Sterling Doughty,,, a long lost Sycamore Cyn land owner ,,,, back in sixtyish or the like ???

  4. Indeed it was Douglas. The more or less living legend, police code name Crazy Horse, is now, much to the relief of numerous agencies and the general public, now semi-retired, living near Zurich, Switzerland, where, besides insulting all the dysfunctional power possessing beings bent on destroying the planet upon which we all live, he also serves as the Big Sur Nation Ambassador to the Helvetian Confederation. You may enjoy some of his archaic stories and photography at:

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