Evacuation Warning Expanded

Soberanes Fire

Los Padres National Forest
September 5, 2016


CONTACT: Fire Information Phone (831)204-0446
RELEASE DATE: September 5, 2016
TIME: 1800


An evacuation WARNING along the Pacific Coast Highway has been expanded to include an area south of Anderson Canyon effective 6 p.m. on Monday, September 5, 2016.

The new evacuation warning includes the Big Sur-Partington/South Coast Center Area and applies to all residents and businesses east of Highway 1 starting at the intersection of Highway 1 and Grimes Canyon, extending south to the intersection of Highway 1 and Dolan Canyon. This area is bounded to the east by North Coast Ridge Road and includes all residents and businesses on Dolan Ridge Road.

An evacuation warning is a precautionary notice that an evacuation order may become necessary if the threat increases.

The new warning is due to warmer, drier weather that has increased fire activity on the east side of North Coast Ridge Road.

All residents under a warning should prepare to leave the area. Be sure to take any medications, pets, important documents, and family valuables if asked to leave. Close all windows and doors before leaving.


3 thoughts on “Evacuation Warning Expanded

  1. For all those on my former home turf on Partington Ridge. May the cool fog rise high up slope and the breeze blow softly moist and from the sea these trying yet familiar days.

    Thinking of you all in Big Sur


  2. I want to make a toponymic clarification here- Dolan ridge road is a misnomer. Dolan ridge is south of Dolan and Rat creeks and the evac area. It does have an unused abandoned ranch road on it. It is a boomerang shaped ridge that parallels the coast above Big creek tributary Brunette creek. It turns NE and runs up to the CRR. It is the path of the 1999 firebreak containing (successfully) the Kirk fire from the south and the 2008 Gallery-Basin fire from the north. Someone put up a sign saying Dolan Road on this new evacuation road boundary maybe 15 years ago. I assume it was to aid their short term rental clients; there are a number of homes up this road. I still call it Hudson road as the family once owned most of the parcels adjoining it.

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